"The Making of Balkan Wars: The Game" is a Personal Cinema project primarily focused on the social and cultural issues within the Peninsula and on the creation of a network between artists, art critics, writers and curators from South eastern Europe. It presents new media works created by the 51 participating artists that investigate the Balkan territory and way of life.

Both geopolitical war games and epic strategy video games are interrelated in this multi-media project. While virtual battle scenes are celebrated for their extreme realism, contemporary warfare has begun to resemble science fiction.
The reality (or virtual reality) presented by official narratives and industrial entertainment does not adequately describe the experiences of the people who are caught in the actual war games. In the real-time of global networks, and in video games, the simplification of cultures and history is itself a form of violence.
The Making of Balkan Wars: The Game is intended to counteract the sensational spectacle of war presented by the media by deconstructing stereotypes, focusing on the distortion of identities, and revising the dominant logic of explanation.

"The Balkan Mall" video game, the central node of the project is a multi-user, 3D video game created by the Personal Cinema group which hosts videos, sounds, images and texts contributed by the participant artists. The game is formed by 20 different spaces shaping an imaginary shopping mall, which is an elevation of social, historical and cultural elements of the Balkans. It is a poetic metaphor, which has many moments of ironic stance towards the prevailing multicultural concepts, historic and religious disputes and contemporary political developments in the area.

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The Making of Balkan Wars: The Game or The Documentary

The Making of Balkan Wars: The Documentary

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